Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Market Preview Report-03/06/2008

After Market(02/06/2008)

The market was down for 13 points closing at 1262.
Regional market was doing great , all was up except for Korea and Singapore that turn down at the late market.

Dow Jone was down for 134.50! And Most of the European Index turn 'red' yesterday as well.
Due to slide in banking industry again.

In US... Morgan Stanley, Merill Lynch, Wachovia... all contribute to the down turn as S&P cut their rate on these companies.

In Europe... HBOS, Bradford and Bingley... all turn bad as Bradford & Bingley Plc said it will raise capital, reviving concern credit losses are spreading.


Market Preview(03/06/2008)

To bear?

1) Bad Regional Market...
US down... Almost all Europe down...

2) Palm Oil Likely to move side way or a little bit down turn...
(as technical and crude oil remain stable at 126-127 ISD per barrel)
