Thursday, December 18, 2008

My new job...

I have just took a new direction in my career path....

Retail consultancy.I join a company name RCMC....
We consult people on how suppose a mall is build and run.... and Wangsa Walk Mall is one of the mall that we consult...........(to be continue)

Final Show Down... What ending will this follow? Blame who?

Lately the market have much to talk about. With the US federal reserve cutting it interest rate to nearly 0%!!! Obama Financial Dream Team named... the market was in a good state for the last month or few weeks.

The sad thing is there is noting done to fix the core of this financial crisis. only thing the Bush administration did was to cut interest rate and try to ease the recession.

They are out of idea(they never have an idea actually), and they are desperate. That's undoubtly the last bullet US Federal Reserve fired(interest rate to 0%)...

So what's next?

Well it's new year soon. Usually at this time of the year the market will boost for many reason.
Retail always do well on this time of the year...
Also usually when a New President took over in US the market always boost(like what they say about the stock market will sure bull 6 months before presidential election...ha ha).
Well if you believe in thing like that the market will no doubt boost(in your dream i guess).
The truth is the problem is not solve never solve... and there is honestly no solution for it to be solve (at least with in the near future). No matter what the new Obama Dream Team do... it wont fix a thing.
The only problem(biggest) we are facingis the lost of confident of the investor in the current market. In the good name of any god you believe... believe this. Confident take times... to talk about how the whole system work... it might take me more than 100 pages to tell you all about that.
Blame the American banking system? Blame the American? Blame the investor them self? Blame the chinese government...?
Bottom line... stock market need at least 3-5 years just to get back into bull status. Enjoy.