Tuesday, February 2, 2010

KLCI Pre-Market Report will come back on starting tomorrow!

Oh Yeah i am Back!--- But no longer working in OSK anymore. However i will start doing the KLCI Market Report once again tomorrow. i will enter myself this time as an investor! So it's gonna get dirty u bet...!

However the market isnt moving much really. now is 4.15pm malaysia time. Market is now at 1263.50 both Futures & actual market!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Spending your time on Internet with Efficiency

Internet is no doubt full of knowledge and information.

I trust on it so much i dont even think library is needed anymore.

Below is some of the place i go check out every day to make sure i am not left behind on what is actually happening in the world.

Be among the first to know...

Then together we create oppurtunities to make something out from it.

( a site that keep u update on what the leading company is doing and trying to lead us into, leading company doesnt mean biggest company. but the one with innovation. Malaysia market is moving so slow... it's somehow a good thing for us. Cause we somehow predict a little bit what's going to happen in the market with some fast info like this)


(one of the most balance news agency in malaysia)
(But more on political)


(give you world economy knowledge)


one of the best news agency in malaysia
fast and a lot of input.

Use Gmail, Wikipedia and Google. Save you a lot of time as well

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Career... Success closing in?

After about a year at RCMC(still one of the best leading property management consultant in Malaysia/the world).

I decided to move on to find a more challenging or should i say aggressive career. No offense to my previous company RCMC, it is one of the best there is and i believe it will continue that way.

But i wanted something different. Something that don't stop me from moving forward.

I only young once! And i really want to make that count!And i Will not stop at any cost!!!

I just join Arborland & Co.(a small Real Estate Agency) as an Assistant Manager.
Again this is not a Big or Mega size company.
I believe you learn more in a small company.
Arborland do give me more space for management and creativity.
* is it a right move? Can't really tell for the moment.

As i always say A successful person no matter where or when he/she is,
he/she will still be successful!

Success is never a destination but an attitude!

All the way back from US. We shall not just sit there waiting for things to happen.

Make it right? Make it wrong? Times will tell.

*** Success formular... Up coming...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My new job...

I have just took a new direction in my career path....

Retail consultancy.I join a company name RCMC....
We consult people on how suppose a mall is build and run.... and Wangsa Walk Mall is one of the mall that we consult...........(to be continue)

Final Show Down... What ending will this follow? Blame who?

Lately the market have much to talk about. With the US federal reserve cutting it interest rate to nearly 0%!!! Obama Financial Dream Team named... the market was in a good state for the last month or few weeks.

The sad thing is there is noting done to fix the core of this financial crisis. only thing the Bush administration did was to cut interest rate and try to ease the recession.

They are out of idea(they never have an idea actually), and they are desperate. That's undoubtly the last bullet US Federal Reserve fired(interest rate to 0%)...

So what's next?

Well it's new year soon. Usually at this time of the year the market will boost for many reason.
Retail always do well on this time of the year...
Also usually when a New President took over in US the market always boost(like what they say about the stock market will sure bull 6 months before presidential election...ha ha).
Well if you believe in thing like that the market will no doubt boost(in your dream i guess).
The truth is the problem is not solve never solve... and there is honestly no solution for it to be solve (at least with in the near future). No matter what the new Obama Dream Team do... it wont fix a thing.
The only problem(biggest) we are facingis the lost of confident of the investor in the current market. In the good name of any god you believe... believe this. Confident take times... to talk about how the whole system work... it might take me more than 100 pages to tell you all about that.
Blame the American banking system? Blame the American? Blame the investor them self? Blame the chinese government...?
Bottom line... stock market need at least 3-5 years just to get back into bull status. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Market Preview Report-8/7/2008(7.25am)

After Market- 07/07/2008

The Market Close 6 points lower than last Friday(now at 1127.26). However the FKLI futures are up 9 points(from 1110 to 1119). This had close down the gap between the Cash market and futures from 25 points to less than 10 points.

This happened because the futures market are expecting the cash market to go down even further. The oil price drop, the protest in KL was a peaceful one, and politic although had been quite interesting last week but what happened only weaken Our Former DPM Anwar Ibrahim and Current DPM Najib. In another words it actually strengthen our current PM's position in the nation(this should be good sign for the short term market out look).

Dow Jones futures was up 28 points when the KLCI close yesterday.

Market Preview- 8/7/2008

Malaysian politic had been a bit quiet for the last 2 days. I suppose this is a good news, how ever you should be careful as some of our politicians are always hunger for attention. They will sure to find a way to surprise you....

Regional Market-
Dow Jones was down 56 points. It was up over 110 points in the morning(US time), however it turn red after lunch to the lowest -168.(it was a little bit wild in the US market last night).

Crude Oil-
Crude Oil price is very low now, USD141.00 Per Barrel(compare to 146 the other day).

Todays market.

I am expecting Malaysian market to be weaken at the begining today and then rebound a little bit before or after lunch hour. However what happen after 3pm that's nothing yet i can say.

Advise; long at the begining and then sell at strength(for short term)
for long term investment you can try to sell when the market rebound(the market should stay bearish for the rest of the month)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Coming again soon...

had been bz with EURO 2008... and some traveling lately....

but i am back. will start updating the blog on daily basic very soon.(tomorrow.) thanks