Friday, July 10, 2009

Spending your time on Internet with Efficiency

Internet is no doubt full of knowledge and information.

I trust on it so much i dont even think library is needed anymore.

Below is some of the place i go check out every day to make sure i am not left behind on what is actually happening in the world.

Be among the first to know...

Then together we create oppurtunities to make something out from it.
( a site that keep u update on what the leading company is doing and trying to lead us into, leading company doesnt mean biggest company. but the one with innovation. Malaysia market is moving so slow... it's somehow a good thing for us. Cause we somehow predict a little bit what's going to happen in the market with some fast info like this)

(one of the most balance news agency in malaysia)
(But more on political)

(give you world economy knowledge)

one of the best news agency in malaysia
fast and a lot of input.

Use Gmail, Wikipedia and Google. Save you a lot of time as well

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