Saturday, May 10, 2008

Market Analyst: for up coming Monday!

Reason to Bull:
1) Technical Analyst(expecting a small bull market)
2) Expecting Steel making companies is going for another round of bull run, as Malaysia Government will lift the steel price on this Monday. Also the government is going to allow the steel company to export their products oversea.
3) CPO price rise had been pushing the plantation industry for the last week. looking at the chart Monday is likely to be another good day for the CPO market.

Reason to Bear:
1) Bad external, all Nikkei, Hang Seng, Strait Times, and Dow Jones is not looking good at the moment with all gone down on Friday.

1) The steel companies had gain a lot since last week, even before the news break up. Maybe the news was licked before it go to public. So if that's the case then the possibility of Steel maker to push the index up is unlikely to happened.

2)CPO although likely to move up on Monday(according to the chart). But analyst is predicting a down fall of the CPOby the end of the week.

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