Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Market Preview Report-14/5/2008(8.25am)

Good Morning again Sunshine! Today(14/5/2008) we should be looking at small down fall of KLCI.

Reason to Bear:

1) Regional is preforming considerable bad this morning. (DJ down for 44 points, FTSE down for 6.8points, and Nikkei so far up only 1.88 point)

2) CPO just like i say earlier this week, will fall a little bit since monday Should continue on today as well.

3) Bad News like Scomi Marine, Genting, and others are likely to affect the market today as well.
(not much of good news that we have hear so far this morning... except for AMMB)
Reason to Bull.
1) so far not one(not one that is solid).
OSK Investment Bank are going to issue AMMB-CW.
If interested Please give me a call for more detail.(04-7209833)
News from couple AM Bank's Employees(good friends) in KL HeadQuater say this will be a great opportunity. AM Bank compare to before this has a better management team(due to increase of foriegn country chare holder there and requesting for more proffesional team rather than race base management team that they used to have).

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